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Sunday, March 20, 2011


Supermoon. A natural phenomenon that may be the most eagerly awaited this moment, Supermoon. Supermoon is the appearance of the full moon is larger than usual. This phenomenon occurs only once 18 years, the moon looks about 14 percent larger.

Supermoon phenomenon is a phenomenon in which the position of the moon is closest to the Earth's distance. The shortest distance was estimated to occur after midnight tonight, Saturday 19 March 2011 the Moon will be at the point closest to Earth (perigee).

However supermoon phenomenon will also cause higher tides than usual full moon-full moon. If supported by the higher winds, high tide will be bigger so that it can be overflowed.

If the wind is big enough, the tide will be higher because there will be waves. In addition, this Supermoon would not affect another. So be prepared to witness this natural phenomenon.

But like loaded News.com.au, Friday, March 4, 2011 then, an astronomer that is Pete Wheeler of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy said that there would be no earthquake or volcanic eruption. Even if it occurs it is destiny.